aIn't mY faUlt!

"if ur insane, u've come to the right place!! "

copyright 2000

an aswin d'souza creation




welcome to this wAcKy sItE !

myself, your host, aswin d'souza, will take u through this insane site filled with jokes, cartoons, articles, and even an absolutely serious tutorial to shading.

click on cRaP to enter this fun-filled zone of nonsense.....

and sHaDinG for a to-the-point, step-by-step, complete tutorial to the world of art and shading...

also feel free to click on mYseLf to find out all about ME!

please bear with the time needed to download the pictures, since this site contains loads of 'em....anyway, if u think that this site is the craziest site u have ever seen, then i'd be glad to hear about it.... so email me at right now!!

gReAat LinkS tO dRivE u kRazY !



ive got this brainy but absolutely wacky elder bro named Erwin. . . . if u want a site filled with jokes, articles, and serious programming concepts like recursion, then this is the site u just hafta visit.





my friend Abhishek made this site which includes everything from his philosophies of life to modern physics, beautiful poems to debatable articles. . . just the kind of site ur looking for. . .





      Aaron, yet another one of my brainiac and weird friends, has this great site based on c plus plus concepts and a variety of fun stuff which is waiting to be seen by you right here, right now!