Book worlD
trust me on the books. if ive recommended a certain book, then whatever you do, dont even think of missing out that one!
nominees for the 'best book' award....
[1] Sphere : A book by Michael Chrichton. This is on the top of my list. So u know what that means.... READ! All about a mysterious crash in the middle of the ocean.....and a crew is sent over to investigate..... i aint telling you more than that. The movie of this story has come out too. I'd say read the book instead.
[2] Great Expectations : Charles Dickens novel. Hey believe me i thought he was a literary piece of junk too but thats before i read this book! :). his english is high but his story is still great. I haven't seen the movie yet but i'm sure nothing can beat this book.
[3] Kane And Abel : i never read Jeffrey Archer till this one. Now i think i'll read his whole collection ! Kane and Abel is all about the life of two men right from the day they were born till the day they breathe their last. find out where the american and the pole cross paths in their journey to life and freedom.
[4] I, robots : Isaac Asimov science fiction book. A collection of short stories actually. Don't get pissed after reading the first chapter. Cuz thats what i did...until i fortunately continued reading on and on until i i finished the book! All about artificially intelligent robots and the three laws of robotics. don't miss this one.
[5] The Godfather : Mario Puzo novel. All about sicilian families settled in america....where each family is a group of mafia type gangsters......ready to strike at any moment. i'll save more for later.
[6] Caves Of steel : Isaac asimov again. This ones about a human who's paired with an artificially intelligent robot called a 'spacer' to investigate a murder. All in the futuristic era but excellently well written.
[7] Daddy : Danielle Steele novel. This is actually a 'feel good' kinda story. About a family in america where the mother decides to suddenly leave and pursue an independent turn deserting her family. ...and of course as the name suggests, it focusses on how the father takes care of things. May sound boring to you, but its good.
[8] Jurassic Park: Very different from the movie. In fact, much much better. Again, a Michael Chrichton book.
[9] Disclosure : By Michael Chrichton. A great story with a wonderful finish, about a Tom Sanders who in a short series of events is suddenly taken off from all the priviliges he had enjoyed in his high position in his job. He's been framed and he has to crack this case himself to save his skin..." Guilty till proved innocent' would be the perfect phrase to describe this book.
[10] Time Flies : A very funny book written by one of the funniest comedians in history, Bill Cosby himself. A great recollection of his growing days from a small little kid to his youth and through his manhood filled with hilarious incidents which make it a treat to read through.