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[ This is the third consecutive drawing out of my imagination. I can't help it , but I only seem to be drawn towards the philosophical art interpretations, so those of you who are saying ' aswin , whats happened to you ?' please bear with me . :) ]
Ever read articles about psychic powers and mental kinesis ? Well, I have, and believe me, if you want something to be fascinated by and scared of at the same time, this is what you have been looking for. Its easy to toss away stories like people bending keys or moving cards with will power as hoaxes or tricks .... but if u really think of the powers you already have, these 'tricks' do not seem so far fetched at all.
If you just concentrate, and I tell you the names of your friends, you will see their faces and you will hear their voices. Where did all this come from ? Have you ever really thought how science-fiction-story like that is - to see something that your eyes don't see, and to hear something that your ears don't hear ? Then is it possible to extend this realm of your imagination to the real world and bring about changes to it ? Is DOING something by just thinking, such a big step ahead ? Do changes to the physical world necessarily have to have a physical medium ?
And what about hypnosis and the subconscious mind ? And what about telepathy ? The power to know what another person is thinking ... are thoughts really waves which can be received and transmitted ? And then, what about the stories of the visions of the future, and the 'mind walking' without carry our body along ? Are all these mystical powers for real, or are all of them mere stories we can choose to ignore conveniently ?
I do not know what I believe. But I do know one thing....
There's a lot we do not know.
Powers of the Mind
'em. Anyway,
You never know what powers lie within your brain.